
SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: What's the difference?


Samarium cobalt (SmCo) and neodymium (NdFeB) magnets are two of the most commonly used types of rare-earth permanent magnets. Both offer unique advantages and disadvantages, making them suitable for different applications. This article will compare and contrast the properties of SmCo and NdFeB magnets to help you choose the right material for your specific needs.


Table of Contents

  1. What are SmCo Magnets?
  2. What are Neodymium Magnets?
  3. SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Coercivity Difference
  4. SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Price Difference
  5. SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Composition Difference
  6. SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Corrosion Resistance Difference
  7. SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: High Temperature Resistance Difference
  8. SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Density Difference
  9. SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Application Difference
  10. Recommendations for Choosing SmCo Magnet or Neodymium Magnets
  11. Conclusion


What are SmCo Magnets?

SmCo magnets, also known as Samarium Cobalt magnets, are a type of rare earth magnet made from an alloy of samarium and cobalt. These magnets are renowned for their exceptional magnetic stability and resistance to high temperatures. Unlike many other types of magnets, SmCo magnets can maintain their magnetic properties even in extreme conditions, making them a popular choice in industries where reliability under high stress is crucial.

Learn more: Samarium Cobalt Magnet Guide


What are Neodymium Magnets?

Neodymium magnets, often referred to as NdFeB magnets or Neo magnets, are the most powerful type of rare earth magnets available today. Composed primarily of neodymium, iron, and boron, these magnets were first developed in the 1980s and have since become a critical component in various modern technologies due to their exceptional magnetic strength.

Learn more: What Are Neodymium Magnets


SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Coercivity Difference

Coercivity, or the resistance of a magnetic material to becoming demagnetized, is a critical factor when comparing SmCo (Samarium Cobalt) magnets to Neodymium magnets. It's like the backbone of a magnet’s strength, ensuring it retains its magnetism even when subjected to external magnetic fields or high temperatures.

SmCo Magnets:

SmCo magnets are known for their exceptional coercivity, making them ideal for use in environments with fluctuating temperatures or strong external magnetic influences. Their high coercivity means they can withstand demagnetizing forces better than many other magnets, maintaining their magnetism in extreme conditions.

This is particularly important in applications where precision and reliability are paramount, such as aerospace, military, and high-performance motors.

Neodymium Magnets:

Neodymium magnets, on the other hand, boast an incredibly high initial magnetic strength but tend to have lower coercivity compared to SmCo magnets. This means they are more susceptible to demagnetization when exposed to high temperatures or opposing magnetic fields.

However, this doesn’t necessarily diminish their usefulness; it simply requires careful consideration of the operating environment. For instance, Neodymium magnets excel in applications where extreme strength is needed in a controlled environment, such as in consumer electronics or electric vehicles.


SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Price Difference

When it comes to pricing, SmCo and Neodymium magnets differ significantly, influenced by their material composition, manufacturing processes, and availability. Understanding the price difference is essential for making cost-effective decisions in various applications.

SmCo magnets tend to be more expensive due to the higher cost of raw materials and the complexity of their manufacturing process. Samarium and cobalt, the primary components of SmCo magnets, are rarer and more expensive to source. Additionally, the sintering process required to produce SmCo magnets is more intricate and energy-intensive, further driving up costs. This makes SmCo magnets a premium choice, often reserved for specialized applications where their unique properties, such as high-temperature stability and corrosion resistance, are essential.

On the other hand, Neodymium magnets are generally more affordable, thanks to the relative abundance of their constituent elements—neodymium, iron, and boron—and the more streamlined manufacturing process. China, in particular, is a major producer of neodymium, contributing to lower costs through economies of scale. As a result, Neodymium magnets are widely used in consumer electronics, automotive industries, and various other applications where cost-efficiency is a priority.

The price difference between these two types of magnets often reflects their intended use and the specific demands of the application. While SmCo magnets are chosen for their durability and stability under extreme conditions, Neodymium magnets are favored for their cost-effectiveness and powerful magnetic strength in less demanding environments.


SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Composition Difference

The composition of SmCo and Neodymium magnets plays a crucial role in defining their distinct properties, performance characteristics, and suitability for various applications. Understanding the differences in their material makeup is key to selecting the right magnet for your needs.

SmCo Magnets: A Blend of Samarium and Cobalt

SmCo magnets are primarily composed of samarium and cobalt, with a typical alloy consisting of about 35% samarium and 60% cobalt, along with small amounts of iron, copper, and other elements. This composition gives SmCo magnets their remarkable stability, particularly at high temperatures, and makes them highly resistant to oxidation and corrosion.

The samarium-cobalt bond is incredibly strong, resulting in a magnet that retains its magnetism even in harsh environments. The high cobalt content also contributes to the magnet's higher cost but is essential for its superior performance in demanding applications.

Neodymium Magnets: A Powerful Mix of Neodymium, Iron, and Boron

Neodymium magnets are made from an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron (NdFeB), with neodymium making up about 30%, iron around 65%, and boron the remaining 5%. This combination creates a magnet with extremely high magnetic strength, making Neodymium magnets the strongest type of permanent magnet available today.

However, the composition also makes Neodymium magnets more prone to corrosion, particularly in humid environments, and they require protective coatings like nickel or epoxy to prevent degradation. The presence of iron, while contributing to the magnet's strength, also reduces its thermal stability compared to SmCo magnets.


SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Corrosion Resistance Difference

Corrosion resistance is a vital factor to consider when choosing between SmCo and Neodymium magnets, especially in applications exposed to moisture, chemicals, or harsh environments. The ability of a magnet to resist corrosion can significantly impact its longevity and performance.

SmCo Magnets: Naturally Resistant to Corrosion

SmCo magnets are inherently resistant to corrosion, thanks to their composition of samarium and cobalt. These materials do not easily react with oxygen or moisture, making SmCo magnets an excellent choice for applications where exposure to corrosive elements is a concern.

This natural resistance eliminates the need for additional protective coatings, which can simplify manufacturing and reduce maintenance requirements. As a result, SmCo magnets are often used in marine environments, chemical processing plants, and other settings where durability against corrosion is critical.

Neodymium Magnets: Prone to Corrosion Without Protective Coatings

Neodymium magnets, composed primarily of neodymium, iron, and boron, are much more susceptible to corrosion, particularly due to the high iron content. When exposed to moisture or humid conditions, Neodymium magnets can oxidize quickly, leading to rust and degradation of their magnetic properties. To counter this, Neodymium magnets are typically coated with protective layers such as nickel, gold, zinc, or epoxy.

These coatings help to shield the magnet from corrosion but can add to the cost and complexity of the magnet's production. Furthermore, if the coating is damaged or wears off, the underlying magnet can still corrode, potentially compromising its performance.

The difference in corrosion resistance between SmCo and Neodymium magnets underscores the importance of considering the operating environment when selecting a magnet. SmCo magnets offer a low-maintenance solution for harsh conditions, while Neodymium magnets require careful handling and protection to maintain their effectiveness over time.


SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: High Temperature Resistance Difference

Temperature resistance is a critical consideration in magnet selection, especially in applications where magnets are exposed to high or fluctuating temperatures. The ability of a magnet to maintain its magnetic properties under such conditions can determine its suitability for specific uses.

SmCo Magnets:

SmCo magnets are renowned for their exceptional resistance to high temperatures. They can operate effectively in environments reaching up to 300°C (572°F) and, in some cases, even higher without significant loss of magnetic strength. This makes SmCo magnets ideal for applications where high-temperature stability is essential, such as in aerospace, automotive, and industrial machinery.

The samarium-cobalt bond within these magnets remains stable under extreme heat, ensuring that they retain their magnetic properties and do not demagnetize or degrade.

Neodymium Magnets:

Neodymium magnets, while offering the highest magnetic strength among permanent magnets, have a lower temperature resistance compared to SmCo magnets. Typically, Neodymium magnets can withstand temperatures up to 80°C (176°F) before they begin to lose their magnetic properties.

There are specially designed high-temperature grades of Neodymium magnets that can function up to 200°C (392°F), but even these are generally less stable at high temperatures than SmCo magnets. When exposed to temperatures beyond their tolerance, Neodymium magnets can suffer irreversible loss of magnetism, which can limit their use in high-heat environments.

The high-temperature resistance difference between SmCo and Neodymium magnets is a crucial factor in determining their application. While Neodymium magnets excel in room-temperature applications requiring maximum strength, SmCo magnets are the go-to choice for scenarios where both strength and thermal stability are required over a wide range of temperatures.


SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Density Difference

Density is another important characteristic that influences the performance and application of magnets. The density of a magnet affects its weight, strength, and suitability for specific uses, especially where space and weight are critical considerations.

SmCo Magnets: Moderate Density for Balanced Performance

SmCo magnets have a moderate density, typically around 8.4 g/cm³. This density is a result of their composition, primarily samarium and cobalt, which balances their weight with their magnetic performance. The moderate density of SmCo magnets contributes to their stability and durability, making them suitable for applications where both size and weight must be optimized without sacrificing magnetic properties.

Their relatively compact nature allows them to be used in high-precision devices and applications where space is limited, yet high performance is required, such as in medical devices, sensors, and aerospace components.

Neodymium Magnets: Higher Density for Maximum Magnetic Strength

Neodymium magnets, with a density of approximately 7.5 g/cm³, are slightly less dense than SmCo magnets. However, despite their lower density, they offer significantly higher magnetic strength, which is one of the key reasons for their widespread use in a variety of applications.

The high energy product of Neodymium magnets means that even though they are lighter and less dense, they can generate more magnetic force per unit volume than many other types of magnets. This makes them ideal for use in situations where powerful magnetic fields are needed in a compact, lightweight package, such as in electric motors, hard drives, and portable electronics.

The difference in density between SmCo and Neodymium magnets reflects their distinct roles in various industries. SmCo magnets offer a balanced approach with moderate density and high thermal stability, while Neodymium magnets provide maximum magnetic strength with slightly lower density, making them versatile for a range of high-performance applications.


SmCo Magnets vs Neodymium Magnets: Application Difference

The unique properties of SmCo and Neodymium magnets make them suitable for different applications across various industries. Understanding these application differences can help you select the right magnet for your specific needs.

SmCo Magnets:

  • Aerospace and Defense: SmCo magnets are used in aircraft sensors, actuators, and missile guidance systems due to their ability to maintain magnetic properties in extreme conditions, such as high temperatures and corrosive environments.

  • Automotive Industry: In electric vehicles (EVs), SmCo magnets are integral to the motors and sensors, providing high torque and efficiency while withstanding the heat generated by the motors.

  • Medical Devices: SmCo magnets are found in MRI machines, surgical tools, and other medical devices that require stable and precise magnetic fields, especially in environments where high temperatures or corrosion resistance is needed.

  • Electronics and Telecommunications: These magnets are used in high-frequency devices, such as microwave tubes, traveling wave tubes, and magnetic couplings, where performance and reliability are critical.

  • Industrial Equipment: SmCo magnets are utilized in magnetic separators, generators, and other heavy-duty industrial equipment that operate under harsh conditions, offering long-term reliability.

  • Sensors and Instruments: SmCo magnets are commonly used in sensors, particularly those measuring speed, position, and rotation, where accuracy and stability are vital.

  • Motors and Generators: High-performance motors, particularly those in demanding applications like aerospace or specialized industrial uses, often incorporate SmCo magnets due to their ability to deliver high power density.

  • Magnetic Assemblies: SmCo magnets are used in assemblies where strong magnetic fields are required in compact spaces, making them suitable for specialized tools and magnetic clamps.


Neodymium Magnets: 

  • Consumer Electronics: Neodymium magnets are commonly used in smartphones, headphones, microphones, and computer hard drives. Their strength allows for the miniaturization of electronic components while maintaining performance.

  • Electric Motors and Generators: These magnets are crucial in the development of high-efficiency electric motors, such as those found in electric vehicles (EVs), wind turbines, and industrial machinery. They help improve the torque and power density of motors, making them more efficient.

  • Medical Devices: In the medical field, neodymium magnets are used in MRI machines, magnetic therapy devices, and surgical instruments. Their strong magnetic fields enable precise and effective medical imaging and treatment.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Neodymium magnets are essential in MRI machines, where they create strong magnetic fields necessary for detailed imaging of the body's internal structures.

  • Renewable Energy: In wind turbines, neodymium magnets are used in the generators that convert wind energy into electricity. Their efficiency and strength help increase the overall power output of wind farms.

  • Magnetic Assemblies and Clamping Systems: Neodymium magnets are used in various industrial applications for magnetic clamps, lifting magnets, and magnetic separators. Their strong holding power makes them ideal for securing heavy objects or separating ferrous materials.

  • Magnetic Bearings and Couplings: In high-speed applications, neodymium magnets are used in magnetic bearings and couplings, reducing friction and wear in machinery and improving efficiency.

  • Sensors and Actuators: These magnets are widely used in sensors and actuators for automotive, aerospace, and industrial applications. They provide precise control and measurement, which is essential for the accurate functioning of these devices.

  • Toys and Gadgets: Neodymium magnets are also popular in toys, educational kits, and various gadgets, providing fun and interactive experiences through their strong magnetic properties.

  • Security Systems: In security systems, neodymium magnets are used in magnetic locks and sensors, ensuring reliable and secure operations in various settings.


Recommendations for Choosing SmCo Magnet or Neodymium Magnets

Selecting between SmCo and Neodymium magnets requires careful consideration of various factors, including your application's environmental conditions, performance requirements, and budget constraints. Both types of magnets offer unique advantages, so making the right choice can significantly impact the success and longevity of your project.

Criteria SmCo Magnets Neodymium Magnets
Magnetic Strength High, but generally weaker than Neodymium Extremely high, strongest of all permanent magnets
Temperature Resistance Excellent, up to 300°C Good, but may lose strength above 80-200°C
Corrosion Resistance Very high, naturally resistant Lower, requires coating (e.g., nickel, zinc)
Cost More expensive Less expensive
Durability Brittle but more resistant to demagnetization Less brittle, but can corrode without protection
Application Environments Harsh conditions, high temperatures General use, electronics, and compact spaces
Common Uses Aerospace, defense, medical devices Consumer electronics, motors, renewable energy
Size and Weight Smaller sizes may not be as strong as NdFeB Very strong in small sizes, ideal for compact designs
Availability Less common Widely available
Suitability for High-Power Applications Good for extreme conditions Best for high-power in non-extreme conditions



Whether you are considering using samarium cobalt magnets or neodymium magnets for your next project, UPSUN is ready to help you. With years of experience in magnet manufacturing, our team of skilled engineers and experts can guide you through the selection process, ensuring you choose the right type of magnet for your specific application.

UPSUN provides comprehensive permanent magnet solutions. Our extensive experience coupled with our commitment to quality and customer service make UPSUN a reliable partner for all your magnet needs.

If you have any questions about samarium cobalt magnets or neodymium magnet projects, please feel free to contact us!

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